(With neurological rehabilitation) 

If you've tested "Negative" for Lyme, but still show clinical symptoms of Lyme, please get a SECOND OPINION. 

It is possible your Lyme testing was incomplete (Did the doctors check just one species of Lyme (Borrelia Burgdorferi typically) or did they check multiple species like Borrelia Mayonii, Borrelia Spielmanii, Borellia Garinii, Borrelia Afzelii, Borrelia Hermsii?).  When you get bit by a tick it is also possible you may have contracted additional co-infections - Bartonella, Babesia, Anaplasma, Ehrilichia and more. Many Lyme Doctors are uninformed or improperly test for co-infections.

60 to 80% of patients with Chronic Lyme Disease develop neurological symptoms and could have a condition called Neuroborreliosis. Learn how to deal with this big problem.

If you are being treated for Chronic Lyme with little to no improvement, and are still struggling, please get a SECOND OPINION

Helpful Pages and Links:

Breaking the Cycle of Recurrent Stubborn Lyme

Click here to watch Dr. Warren's latest video revealing why Lyme symptoms persist for some patients and effective strategies to prevent recurrence.

Order the NutriRestore Acute Lyme (Just Got Bit Kit) here...

This kit is for anyone recently (within the past three months) bit by a tick and is taking or has recently completed standard care.

When it comes to Lyme Disease, the specialized team 
of Dr. Kyle Warren, DC, CFMP and Dr. Paul Deglmann, DC, DACNB, FACFN 
have seen it all. 
 Roughly one-third of their patients visited the
top medical clinics in Minnesota
but were still seeking answers.

These same patients found better results 
 with Dr. Kyle, DC and Dr. Paul, DC
through more complete testing, 
Functional Medicine, and Functional Neurology 
at Restorative Health Solutions.

When it comes to Lyme Disease, the specialized team 
of Dr. Kyle Warren, DC, CFMP and Dr. Paul Deglmann, DC, DACNB, FACFN have seen it all. 
 Roughly one-third of their patients visited the top medical clinics in Minnesota, but were still seeking answers.

These same patients found better results with Dr. Kyle and Dr. Paul through more complete testing, Functional Medicine and Functional Neurology at 
Restorative Health Solutions. 

Why do Dr. Kyle and Dr. Paul have such good results with their patients?

This platform will help you understand if your mysterious symptoms or health issues could be from Lyme disease or co-infections related to Lyme. You will also learn about Chronic Lyme, proper and complete testing for Lyme and Lyme co-infections, and what makes the "Restorative Health Solutions Protocol" THE BEST approach for Lyme in Minnesota!

2023 update:  Advances in Specialized Lyme Testing 

Click here to check out the latest video from Dr. Warren, where he shares actual test results from several of his patients and gives examples of how to pick the right Specialized Lyme test for you!

click below!
• How do I know for sure I have Lyme? 
Depending on your clinical symptoms, there are specific tests conducted in specific sequence that can help us assess accurately whether or not you have Lyme disease. Also, there are steps we take to avoid inaccurate test results, referred to as "false negatives." Dr. Kyle explains all of this in his video on Lyme testing.

Click here to watch the video!

• I got tested for Lyme but results came back Negative. Could I still have Lyme? 
This is a question Dr. Kyle gets asked almost every day; the short answer is YES! The long answer is, it depends if you were tested properly and if those tests were complete. Did your doctor only run the ELISA test or the Blot test? Did you get tested for co-infections? Dr. Kyle answers questions on Lyme testing in a series of videos.

• Could a Lyme test be run differently between one doctor's office and another?
Yes, this happens all the time! Most major Lyme organizations, such as the CDC (Centers for Disease control and Prevention) and the IDSA (Infectious Disease Society of America)differ in their recommendations on how to test for Lyme! The biggest risk for a patient is to work with a doctor who does not understand these issues and runs incomplete testing for Lyme, and then tells that patient they don't have Lyme disease when, in fact they do. Dr. Kyle has seen this many times in his practice

Dr. Kyle Warren,
(Functional Medicine, Doctor of Chiropractic)
specializes in Functional Medicine, putting together the big picture of a person’s health. His specialties include Chronic Lyme, Lyme testing, Lyme co-infections, Chronic Fatigue, Brian Fog, Chronic Pain, Alzheimer's, Functional Endocrinology, Blood Chemistry analysis, Neurotransmitter and Brain Physiology, Immune and Environmental Toxicity.

Challenges patients face in Minnesota when it comes to Lyme disease.

click below!
• Are Lyme co-infections common in Minnesota?  
In Minnesota, Lyme co-infections are very common. What's sad is that most doctors will test for Lyme, and only if it is positive, will test for co-infections. That's the wrong approach! 

• I got tested and treated for Lyme. Could I still have co-infections?   
In Minnesota, the answer is Yes! Lyme co-infections are very, very common. The approach differs depending on the type of co-infection. So If you were treated and are still not feeling like your old self, please do get tested for co-infections. These tests can make all the difference  in your recovery.

• What are the common co-infections in Minnesota?
 BabesiaBartonella, and Anaplasma are the ones we often see and recommend testing for in Minnesota. We may also test you for Ehrilichia and Powassan Virus.

Cat Scratch fever or Bartonella is another very common infection. Many times patients come into Dr. Kyle's office thinking they have Chronic Lyme when in-fact they have Bartonella. To learn about Bartonella, please click below.

Bartonella testing and Protocol

• Is the approach the same regardless of 
the co-infection or combination of co-infections?
No, it is not! As these unique infections, viruses, parasites, and bacteria live in different cells and parts of your body and work differently; there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to effectively resolve them all. But there are protocols for all (each) of them, and they can be dealt with successfully. 

click below!
• What is the BEST way to treat Chronic Lyme?  
In Minnesota, Dr. Kyle and Dr. Paul have developed one of the BEST protocols to address Chronic Lyme. In a series of videos, he answers patient questions on the controversy around chronic Lyme and the best way to manage it.

• Why is Chronic Lyme so controversial? Why do some doctors don't even know how to test for it? What makes it so complicated?
Many Chronic Lyme patients have been given the run-around within our healthcare system.  Any where from 6-21 % still develop chronic Lyme even after standard meds. That's where conventional Western Medicine falls short with Chronic Lyme. Through a series of videos, Dr. Kyle explains the controversy around chronic Lyme, why it is hard to diagnose, and what's the best way to treat it.

How long until I start feeling better?
Dr. Kyle and Dr. Paul have shown improvement for these patients in as little as 3-6 months! If you do in fact have Chronic Lyme, and depending on additional co-infections, it may take up to 12-18 months, but not to worry; you should see improvement much quicker than that in your symptoms and in your quality of life. Dr. Kyle discusses the essential steps in The (BEST) Chronic Lyme Protocol.

•Why doctors don't believe in Chronic Lyme? Why is there controversy?   
In this video, Dr. Kyle explains the controversy about Chronic Lyme and why it's so hard for patients. He describes how their protocol at RHS (Restorative Health Solutions) is unique, offering great results for patients working with them on Chronic Lyme.

•Are there natural herbs and products that can help my Lyme Disease? 

Yes, absolutely. Many natural herbs are proven safe and useful  in Chronic Lyme Patients. Examples include Cryptolepis, Japanese Knotweed, Cat's Claw, Skullcap, Black Walnut, Artemisia and more. I don't recommend you just start taking these. The dose also varies in each patient. We have to run some baseline analysis to know which to use on you and how. Request Free Consultation if you have any questions.
click below!
60% of Chronic Lyme patients experience Neuroborreliosis. In the video below at the link below, Dr. Kyle Warren, DC, CFMP explains the neurological issues and associated nerve damage caused in Chronic Lyme patients

Click the image below to watch the video

• Why do people develop so many neurological symptoms with Lyme disease? 
Unfortunately, Lyme loves the brain and therefore causes severe neurological damage over time that can manifest in different ways. 
The neurological effects of Lyme include Anxiety, Depression, POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), Headaches, Migraines, different kinds of pains, Facial Palsy, strange sensations in the body, including Fibromyalgia and Brain Fog.

Brain rehab is the single most crucial step you can take after an attack of Lyme Disease. Lyme loves the brain and can cause a lot of damage.  It is critical to help restore normal brain function.

•Can Dr. Paul assess my brain function?  

Yes, absolutely. That is the first step when you meet him. Through a series of simple tasks/activities, questions and assessment, Dr. Paul assesses if your brain is functioning optimally. He shares his findings and develops a personalized approach to rehab your brain.

•What is the best way to rehab your brain?   

Brain rehab is not a one size fits all approach. He develops his plan not only based on his findings during the assessment but also based on the plan Dr. Kyle has put in place with you.  This ensures you get the best of Functional Medicine and Functional Neurology for your recovery.

Addressing Brain Rehab
Dr. Paul Deglmann, DC, DACNB, FACFN, is an experienced and highly trained Functional Neurologist. Patients from all over The US seek his experience to assess "How well is their brain functioning."  Having Dr. Paul's experience is ESSENTIAL if Chronic Lyme and co-infections have affected the brain and its neurological functions!
Dr. Paul Deglmann,
(Chiropractic Neurology)
is a highly trained and experienced Functional Neurologist. His understanding of how the brain impacts other areas of the body is truly remarkable! He has worked with patients all over the United States who have come to seek his experience in neurological disorders.  He sees a wide range of cases in this realm including concussions/TBIs (Traumatic Brain Injuries), Parkinson’s Disease, Chronic Lyme, dizziness and vertigo, balance disorders, migraine headaches, mild cognitive impairment, and much more.

Order the NutriRestore Acute Lyme (Just Got Bit Kit) here...

This kit is for anyone recently (within the past three months) bit by a tick and is taking or has recently completed a course of standard meds.
Play video below:
Want a FREE consult 
or a second opinion?
Dr. Kyle and Dr. Paul are currently offering a FREE CONSULTATION for anyone wanting a second opinion on Lyme disease, Chronic Lyme, and the possibility of horrible Lyme co-infections.

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